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Plaster Stencil Flagstone


Create the look of real stacked stone with this easy to use plaster stencil.

Design Size: Single stencil 19 1/4″ x 13 1/4″


This is such an easy stone stencil! Take a look at the superb variation of color within each stone in the stencil. It’s ultra easy! I’m thinking about using this one on large wooden planters for the yard then sealing with exterior sealer.

Raised Plaster Flagstone Stencil

The awesome thing is that you can do your stones any variation of colors that you wish!


Plaster Flagstone Stencil

Remember that all of our Raised Plaster Stencils can also be used with ordinarily paints.

Here’s how to create any varied color raised bricks so easily:

Put some joint compound in to a separate container.
Add a bit of two different colors (I used black and rust brown for mine). Take your trowel, plastic scraper or a spoon and just “swirl” the colors together to slightly blend. You actually want to see all three colors (the third being the white of the joint compound).

Mix acrylic paint colors in to joint compound

Now, scoop some of this mixture up and smear it over a piece of cardboard or newspaper as a test. This gives you the opportunity to play a little bit with just how you like yours to look. Now, do the same to the stencil.

I smeared mine in one direction but you can do as you wish. Try NOT to blend the colors too much. Having distinct separation of color makes it totally look real.

Smear over stencil openings

Peel the stencil back to reveal the colored stones.

To repeat the stencil, simply flip over backward, slightly overlap the previously done stones and repeat. This will create larger stones here and there that will break up the pattern even more and lend to a realistic looking stone wall.

Try doing an exposed brick wall with it! This is what Minday Everaert did and it came out fantastic!

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