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Many years ago, the “Domestic Diva” used our Raised Plaster Aspen Tree Stencil with (of all things), caulking to create life sized aspen trees on her wall.

She loved that wall and when she sold the house and moved, it was that Aspen wall that she missed the most! So what did she do in her new space? She did it again!

Here’s the new wall:

On her blog (link below) she explains what she learned from the first go round. She also gives you a photo tutorial of exactly how she did it!

Here’s her before and after on the first wall in her home.


Close up:

What a statement those trees make on her walls.

Personally, I’ve done the Aspen Trees in every home I’ve lived in since 2004. They have become my personal signature design because I love them so very much.



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