One of my favorite things to do is to create art. Art of all types and mediums.
When I was selling my house, I wanted a fresh look to the room but the artwork I had, just didn’t work for the new style.
I fell in love with our new Peacock plaster stencil the second it came off the laser machine for the the first time so I got a large piece of sturdy art board and hand painted a tree as the background.
I then used the stencil with Goldens Heavy Gel Medium instead of joint compound because you can pre-tint it and it remains flexible. Perfect for dimensional art projects. Especially on canvas.

I started by painting a mottled gray background then hand painted a faint tree to the right side. I then added the peacock perched on the lowest branch. Brilliant metallic paints were used in greens and blues that shimmered in the light. It came out just lovely! So I matched it’s colors with coordinating throw pillows on the furniture and the whole room took on a brand new look.