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Two Screamingly Awesome Makeovers from a Talented Mom

I love all things “home decor” and that’s what my blog is all about. Not just stencils or stenciling.

With that in mind, I couldn’t wait to share this incredible make over by my new friend and customer Chris Rees.

First, let me tell you a little about Chris. She’s a visionary who sees things much differently than the rest of us do. Especially when it comes to home decorating. Not only that, she’s incredibly creative! She looks at something and sees a different purpose, a different color, a different slant on what something was meant for.

I have to tell you, she really blew me away with these make overs! 


Step one: Common, iron tea cart.

Step two: Fill with polished rock, add a luscious red sink and accessories, a rustic water fixture and Wha La! The COOLEST bathroom sink cabinet (can you call it a cabinet?)  I’ve ever seen! And how cool she used the tea cart handle as a towel rack! 


Look how adorable this bathroom came out!


Now, would WE have ever thought of such a clever use for a tea cart? Me, I would have seen a plant potting cart, maybe a roll around cocktail station, but this gal turned it in to something so wildly elegant!

Now, check THIS one out! See that sink in the photo below? You’re never going to believe this, but it’s a light cover turned upside down! REALLY????? Who would have thought.


 Here’s what she said about it:

 ” The interesting thing is that this sink bowl is actually something that I came across on our property as we were left with a mix of junk and treasures (ton of it). It is either a reverse lighting lamp or belongs to a ceiling fan light.  I really don’t know, but the measurements were right for the drain so I painted it with Turquoise glass paint, fired it in my oven and well, read about plumbers putty.  Really never unclogged a drain before building two sinks?  My kiddos could not reach the top of the original so whats a Mom to do?”

Clever and creative, she saw a need for a lower sink area for her children and solved the problem in the cutest, most clever way!

On my knees, I bow to your greatness Chris!


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